We have been using TCM for a number of years at a school in South Africa. We want to invest in an electronic scoreboard for spectators and palyers to follow the score. We are looking for advice on the best options in terms of durability and visibility
Answer by
Pooja Bajaj
Total Cricket Scorer is compatible with various electronic scoreboards. Some of the recommended options based on durability and visibility are Fair Play Scoreboards, Boden Scoreboards, and Alpha Scoreboards. It is recommended to check the compatibility of the scoreboard with Total Cricket Scorer before making a purchase.
Where can i find the live scores for TCS 11? is there a link or somthing?
We have been using TCM for a number of years at a school in South Africa. We want to invest in an electronic scoreboard for spectators and palyers to follow the score. We are looking for advice on the best options in terms of durability and visibility
Total Cricket Scorer is compatible with various electronic scoreboards. Some of the recommended options based on durability and visibility are Fair Play Scoreboards, Boden Scoreboards, and Alpha Scoreboards. It is recommended to check the compatibility of the scoreboard with Total Cricket Scorer before making a purchase.